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如何看待乌克兰数学家康斯坦丁·奥尔梅佐夫自杀? 第4页


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你好。我的名字是康斯坦丁·奥尔梅佐夫(Konstantin Olmezov),我正在写这篇头脑清晰、记忆力强的文本,如果你正在阅读它,那么我很可能永远不会写任何东西。




2 月 24 日开始的事情改变了我的一些存在立场。可怕的是,我在书中读到的所有迹象都很容易被那些昨天才似乎过着完全日常生活的人获得。恐怕我们的语言还没有文字来表达正在发生的事情的程度。原来,要想成为书本和歌曲的英雄,不读不听就足够了,数百万人有能力做到这一点。





2月26日,我试图离开俄罗斯领土。这是一个有点愚蠢的行为,但只是在它构思不周的程度上。我不后悔,但我只后悔没有在 23 日这样做,当时有所有原因。

我去保卫我的国家,保卫它免受想要从我手中夺走它的人的伤害。为了保护我自己选择的总裁,承担着老板保护下属时同样的责任。顺便说一句,在 2019 年的第一轮中,我没有投票给泽连斯基。在 2023 年,我不会投票给他。但是,无论他对我来说多么不愉快,选择的自由和对所选择的事物负责的自由,以及对后果的全部体验负责,对我来说很重要。很难向许多俄罗斯人和亲俄罗斯的乌克兰人解释,即使在所有方面都有助于改善福祉的外部强迫改变是不可接受的,因为它们也是来自外部的强迫。这就像从超级监管下退出一样。





我非常爱基辅——我第一次找到独立生活的城市,我第一次经历饥饿和孤独,我第一次真正坠入爱河,写下了我最好的诗篇。在那里的某个时候,我在 3 天内写了 2 节经文,和以往一样多。 Rusaniv 运河上的每一座桥,Lisovaya 后面森林里的每一棵树,胜利公园里的每一个长凳,都充满了他们的痛苦和他们的爱。







更不用说我对人类和整个人类感到失望的事实。在 21 世纪,一支军队在半夜袭击一个完全陌生、完全不危险的国家。每个士兵都明白自己在做什么,却装作不明白。当这个国家的部长说“我们没有攻击”时,记者们就播出了。每个记者都明白这是一个谎言,并假装不明白。当数以百万计的人看到这一点并明白正在发生的事情将取决于他们的良心和历史时,他们会假装与这无关。当黑色称为白色,愉快称为苦涩时,不是在密谋的耳语中,也没有眨眼,而是仿佛来自自己。当扎多诺夫关于一个美国人说“俄罗斯人很残忍,因为他们在波尔塔瓦附近袭击了瑞典人”的笑话不再是一个笑话,不再是关于美国人和瑞典人的笑话时。当世界正在认真讨论其 75 年来一直试图预防的事情的可能性,而不是讨论任何新的预防模式。当权力再次声称是真理的主要来源,而背叛和虚伪 - 和平的主要来源。





我想给 Szemeredi 定理上色,把数学证明变成艺术交汇处的一件艺术品,变成电影规模的东西。我相信数学值得。

























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想不到在一班跳梁小丑里 也有不食周粟的好汉

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“我要回去保卫日本 我要回去反击侵略者”


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MIPT网站上已经将他显示为“Former Member" (曾经的成员)。

Members – Laboratory of Combinatorial and Geometric Structures (combgeo.org)

2. 根据他的简历,这位其实是仍在MIPT学习的数学硕士。论文一共四篇,大致是发了两篇,另两篇还在pending状态。 中文语境下说是”数学家“,属实有些夸大了。 最高赞的叙述方式很容易让人误会他是这个组的负责人。当然我并不是想拿这种细节做什么文章,纯属澄清一下事实。






1.“也许处于愤怒,他说话很不客气,而且告诉了其他人他要回乌克兰的计划”,相关原文是“The reason for this, I think, is my bad tongue and one person with whom I rashly shared my plans. ” 我的理解是,他认为,是他之前说了一些不和谐的话,加上莽撞地告诉了某人自己离境的计划(泄露了),所以才会被FSB逮捕。而不是说逮捕过程中他说话不客气,更没有出现”愤怒“这个词。。

2. “在争执中,他动手打了执法者”。没有这回事,原文是:“I directly told the FSB everything that I thought about what was happening. It was stupid, but it couldn't be otherwise. It was the last thing I could hit them with, and I hit with all my might.”

是说被逮捕以后,他直接告诉FSB了自己对正在发生的事情(战争)的看法。说这是他最后所能做的“打击”他们的事情, 并尽他全力”打击”。可能他的态度那时会比较激烈,不知道有没有言语争执,但至少双方谁也没有动手。。。

等等 。。


All my life I have striven to have freedom of choice in everything - in food, in a profession, in a place of residence, in what soap to wash my hands and for which party to vote. I always ate only the food that was tasty to me, and if this was not possible, then I preferred to endure the hunger.

被FSB逮捕后,他就觉得永远失去了自由(“When I was arrested, I considered that my freedom was taken away forever")。他是一直觉得不自由勿宁斯的。("Unfreedom is worse than death for me")。然后他在号子里面就开始寻斯了,至少用七种方法尝试了十次。。。


  1. FSB逮捕了他,但是双方没有发生什么肢体冲突。
    逮捕原因,个人推测可能是因为他发表的一些言论,比如“我要回去保卫我的国家,云云”,原文“I went to defend my country, to defend it from someone who wanted to take it from me.”。 而据他朋友的声明 ,是FSB"捏造了一项行政指控" ("administrative protocol ") 。
  2. FSB在号子里也没拿他怎么样,而只是”无助地试图回答我,他们以绝对无辜的面孔重复着最粗俗的宣传陈词滥调。“(" I was even amused by how helplessly they tried to answer me, how unsophisticated they repeated the most crude propaganda clichés with an absolutely innocent face"), 而且甚至把他逗乐了 (”I was even amused“)。
  3. FSB把他拘留了15天就放了,有他一位朋友的声明("As a result, he received 15 days (jail time"), 以及他自己发的照片为证。图上文字大意为”离开FSB监狱时的最后一张照片,(后面省略)....."

4. 出来以后,接到了奥地利一个大学的邀请,但貌似还是不能离境。总之最后想不开了,在telxxx上发了遗书(俄语),就在家自S了。。。("he received an invitation to one of the universities in Austria to continue his studies there. The problem was to somehow leave the country.")



不过这里我有一点疑惑,作为一个出生和生活在东乌的人,2018年才去的俄罗斯。那么自2014年以来,亚速营之流在东乌的所作所为,他是不知道的吗,还是认为那些是正当行为? 不过怎么说呢,对什么事情痛心,什么时候痛心,都是个人自由,也不能强求。。。


结果连某些Fake News都不报道,最终死者只是被国内某些人,拿来作为一个带节奏的工具罢了。


Before he passed away, Konstantin posted the following message in his channel:

Hello. My name is Konstantin Olmezov, I am writing this text of sound mind and vivid memory, and if you are reading it, then most likely I will never write anything.

Once upon a time, when I was really seriously thinking about what should not be named [suicide] on the Russian Internet, I began to look for some self-help videos for myself. In one of them, the psychologist said that the main thought that drives almost everyone contemplating doing this is: "the world owes me and the world has not lived up to my expectations." I was imbued with this idea, I realized that such a position was inappropriate for that situation - and the problem was solved, I quickly returned to life.

But now this is exactly the thought that I think: "the world owes me and the world did not live up to my expectations."

The world should strive to correct mistakes. And doesn't do it. The world should consist of thinking, sympathetic and responsible people. And it is not. The world should allow freedom of creativity and choice. And he keeps taking them. The world should consider these demands normal. And he considers them overpriced.

What began on February 24 changed some existential positions in me. It is more than terrible how easily all the signs that I read about in books are acquired by people who only yesterday seemed to be leading a completely everyday life. I'm afraid our language doesn't yet have words to express the extent of what's going on. It turned out that in order to be like the heroes of books and songs, it is enough not to read or listen to them, and that millions are capable of this.

I came to Russia in 2018 to do science. I came because I fell in love with a science that was not represented in Ukraine - additive combinatorics. Fell in love for real, crazy - like people fall in love with people. Spent nights and days with her. I was not too zealous in this love, my scientific successes are very modest, but there is just no contradiction in this, for in ordinary love my affairs are even worse.

I have always been critical of Russian politics and have always considered Russian culture to be superior to it, to be capable of transcendence. This illusion in my head almost did not stagger, but now it fell at once and completely. Vysotsky, Filatov, Shpalikov, Astrakhan, Tarkovsky, Mikhalkov (outside his demonic rendition), Vinogradov, Linnik, Shkredov, Tchaikovsky, Rachmaninov, Scriabin - I'm afraid these and many other names speak nothing to the majority of those whose actions are now supported by the majority of contemporary Russians. So much so that we can't even imagine. And yet, they [the nationalist war mongers] are supported.

The funny thing is that everyone still believes that everything can be achieved by force. That by breaking life through the knee hard enough, you can make people forget what happened before their eyes. That, by shutting everyone's mouths, you can make thoughts suffocate. It would seem that this is something from the field of politics or psychology, but no, it is there, in culture - this is not a strategy for working with reality, but an expression of an attitude towards the very phenomenon of the subject. This is the very essence of "being determines consciousness."


On February 26, I tried to leave the territory of Russia. It was an act somewhat stupid, but only to the extent that it was ill-conceived. I don’t regret it, but I only regret that I didn’t do it on the 23rd, when there were all the reasons for it.

I went to defend my country, to defend it from someone who wanted to take it from me. To protect my president, whom I myself chose, feeling in this the same duty that a boss feels when protecting his subordinate. By the way, in 2019, in the first round, I did not vote for Zelensky. And in 2023 I would not vote for him. But, no matter how unpleasant he may be for me, the freedom of choice and the freedom to be responsible for what is chosen, responsible up to the full experience of the consequences, are important for me. It is very difficult to explain to many Russians and pro-Russian Ukrainians how forced changes from the outside that serve to improve well-being even in all respects can be unacceptable simply because they are also forced from the outside. This is something like pulling out from under hyper-custody.

While boarding the bus, I was arrested. The reason for this, I think, is my bad tongue and one person with whom I rashly shared my plans. When I was arrested, I considered that my freedom was taken away forever, and I directly told the FSB everything that I thought about what was happening. It was stupid, but it couldn't be otherwise. It was the last thing I could hit them with, and I hit with all my might. I was even amused by how helplessly they tried to answer me, how unsophisticated they repeated the most crude propaganda clichés with an absolutely innocent face.

Once in the cell, I began to look for only one thing - death. I made at least ten attempts in seven different ways. Some of them, looking from here, are ridiculous and their doom seems obvious, but these were sincere attempts. And the only thing I dreamed about, sitting there, was to be released in order to be able to commit the last one, with normal chances of success (by the way, I still don’t understand why they let me go anyway).

Unfreedom is worse than death for me. All my life I have striven to have freedom of choice in everything - in food, in a profession, in a place of residence, in what soap to wash my hands and for which party to vote. I always ate only the food that was tasty to me, and if this was not possible, then I preferred to endure the hunger. There are only two ways to deal with unfreedom - repression and rejection. Repression is if you freely choose how to live all your life, and then you are locked up and you start choosing which book to read while you are locked up. I can fight lack of freedom only by not accepting, refusing to stay in the very situation of lack of freedom - if they prevent me from choosing how and where to live, I would simply prefer not to live.

I really love, albeit with a strange love, Donetsk. Despite the disgusting childhood, this is still the city where I wrote my first program, my first poem, went on stage for the first time, earned my first money. The city, in the center of which every shop and turn of the path in every park is saturated for me with some kind of rhyme, some kind of problem that I solved there, names, faces, pleasant and terrible events. Every corner of every track.

I love Kyiv very much - the city where I first found an independent life, I experienced hunger and loneliness for the first time, I truly fell in love for the first time, wrote my best poems. While there, at some point I wrote 2 verses in 3 days, as much as ever. Every bridge over the Rusaniv Canal, every tree in the forest behind Lisovaya, every bench in the Victory Park are saturated for me with their pain and their love.

I love Moscow very much - the city where I first "got on my feet", gained financial independence, where I proved my first and only theorems, where I truly believed in my strength for the first time. Where is Tsaritsyno!

I hurt for every side in this war, but I see with my own eyes who is defending their land and who is taking over someone else's.


There is such a hackneyed question: to be or not to be. I have always tried to ask myself from time to time. It seems to me that if a person does not ask himself about this regularly, then the continuation of life for him is not a conscious choice.

The question is well-known, but the author follows it with another one: is it worthy to endure the disgrace of fate without a murmur. The answer to it for me now is unambiguous: to be silent, to lie, to pretend that nothing is happening either around or in the soul is unworthy; to substitute, to sit all your life in prison, in impotence - unworthy; hiding from everyone, bringing trouble to other people, constantly looking for help, being afraid of everyone is unworthy; to partisan, to harm another state on its territory is doubly unworthy, I am a Ukrainian, a person of a different culture (I understand that someone will consider this a weakness, and okay). I see no way to continue my life with dignity.

At some point, I had hope for a second attempt to leave. I am immensely grateful to the people who gave it to me, and I apologize for not using it. I'm still too afraid that they will put me in jail a second time, and seriously - I did too many stupid things during the first detention.

Not to mention the fact that I’m left disappointed in man and humanity in general. When, in the 21st century, an army in the middle of the night attacks a completely foreign, completely non-dangerous country. And every soldier understands what he is doing and pretends not to understand. When the minister of this country says "we did not attack", and the journalists broadcast it. And every journalist understands that this is a lie, and pretends not to understand. When millions of people watch this and understand that what is happening will be on their conscience and history, they pretend that they have nothing to do with it. When black is called white, and pleasant is called bitter, and not in a conspiratorial whisper, and without a wink, but as if from oneself. When Zadornov's joke about an American who said that "the Russians are cruel because they attacked the Swedes near Poltava" ceases to be a joke and ceases to be about the American and the Swedes. When the world is seriously discussing the possibility of what it has been trying to prevent for 75 years, and not discussing any new models of prevention. When power again claims to be the main source of truth, and betrayal and hypocrisy - the main source of peace.

When this is all happening all around me, I completely lose hope for a different path for humanity. I completely lose the desire to do anything for these people or with these people. I understood that such a rollback would happen sooner or later, that the animal was incorrigible. But I did not imagine that it was possible so quickly and so simply, as if by switching a toggle switch.

Does it make sense what we used to live for? It is clear that everything will return, but it will return just as powerless, and just as easily crumble at the whim of a scumbag.

I can’t say that I am ashamed of my life, but it could have been better. I did not have time to do a lot of things that no one else will do and that would improve people's lives. However, is it necessary now?

I wanted to make an application that promotes awareness of choice, allowing a person to conduct "referendums" within himself, answering the same question for many days in a row. I lived this idea, but who needs elections and referendums now, who is seriously interested in their own opinion?

I wanted to colorize Szemeredi's theorem, to turn a mathematical proof into a piece of art at the intersection of the arts, into something of the scale of a movie. I'm sure the math deserves it.

I wanted to help people get out of cognitive distortions and logical contradictions, to seek and formulate their own model of the world. I think I did well.

Now this is no longer important, and I am writing about this not to arouse pity, but to insist on significance.

I was unforgivably lazy and thought I had a lot of time. It was a big mistake.


I am somewhat ashamed in the face of my Ukrainian friends. Believe me, I never wished or did anything bad to Ukraine, and I always kept in mind my readiness to leave in the even that what started now does suddenly start. Unfortunately, I just didn’t succeed, I simply didn’t approach this matter skillfully enough ... The FSB officers who detained me spoke to me as a traitor, but on the morning of February 24, I myself felt betrayed. Yes, no matter how ridiculous it may be, but even having long recognized rationally and aloud that war is possible, emotionally it came as a surprise to me to an unexpected degree. I had a naive confidence that legal delicacy in dealing with Ukrainians implies the possibility of breaking out at some critical moment. I stuck my head too deep into the tiger's throat. This is the second big mistake, I have something to pay for.

I am hurt by every shell that falls on the streets of Kyiv. Reading the reports, I imagine the views of these streets and districts. From the first day until now, I have been with you wholeheartedly, although it is clear that with those feelings I did not save anyone …

I am an absolute atheist. I don't believe in hell, I'm going nowhere. But this nowhere is dearer to me than reality, where part of the people fell back into savagery, and the other part indulges in it - even throwing up their hands in choral insanity, even "evacuating" away from the front line. I don't want to be with either one or the other.

And finally, of course, the verse [original rhymes perfectly, but for the sake of preserving original meaning, these rhymes are left out of this translation]:

Do Russians want "no war" posters?
Ask the armored riot police about it,
Ask the subway divers about it
Ask the one who clung to the throne about it.

Do Russians want broken cities?
Ask the crowded trains about it.
Do the Russians want destroyed hospitals?
Ask the dried up eye sockets of babies.

Do the Russians want to change a thing?
Ask the remaining media about it.
Do Russians want to eradicate Nazism?
Ask students with the letter "Z" about it.

This terrible year will be your calling card,
Truly an unshakable people,
Ready to bathe even in blood, even in shit,

But if only there were no posters "no war".


Announcement of the news from his friend

Yesterday I was talking to a good guy, a Ukrainian mathematician named Konstantin Olmezov.

He left Donetsk because of the "they’re not here" (Russians) war. Entered the graduate school of the Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology. Wrote a dissertation.

After the start of Putin's armed aggression against Ukraine, he tried to leave Russia, but could not. He was detained and an administrative protocol was fabricated against him.

As a result, he received 15 days (jail time). Upon leaving the special detention center, he received an invitation to one of the universities in Austria to continue his studies there. The problem was to somehow leave the country. He bought a ticket to Turkey. We agreed that escorting him to the airport was pointless. That he will try to go through border control on his own, and if problems arise, I will come.

We agreed to keep in touch.

And just now I received news that in the morning he committed suicide, leaving a suicide note that he is dying because he cannot bear the horror of what is happening.

Talented and promising mathematician. Olmezov Konstantin.

Damn you - those who started this war and those who are waging it.

You won't get away without the answer.

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