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如何评价中央情报局(CIA)的武装力量? 第1页


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cia分成exucutive office(就是总头头)、directorate of intelligence(就是情报分析人员,俗称的内勤)、directorate of operations(俗称的外勤,又叫national clandestine service,国家秘密行动处 这篇文章的重点)、directorate of technology(这个不用翻译了吧,u2之类的玩意儿就是他们控制的)和一些支援单位(保安,对外联络和码农民工之类的玩意儿)。




既然题目问的是武装力量,那我们的重点就放到directorate of operations(clandestine service)这些外勤身上。


第一种形式是从国防部下属的socom(特种作战司令部)借调部队来组成行动组。其中跟cia合作最密切的当然是jsoc(联合作战司令部,下面再有缩写就不备注了,反正来看这种东西的也都是军迷)下属的T1级别的特种部队,比如devgru啊cag啊24sts啊什么的。最有名的例子当然就要属刺杀本拉登的行动了,看过电影的都知道,某美女cia agent跟同事一起花了N多年的时间找到了本拉登,然后借devgru的手把本拉登给搞掉了(当然cia的外勤也去巴基斯坦了,但是没有直接参与暗杀,至于去干吗了等会儿会讲)。





第二种就是召回已经退役的特囧。clandestine service找到一些原socom人员,让他们继续签合同为国效力。这群人就是我们熟悉的grs(这个可能有人不太清楚,global response service)了。不知道大家有没有看过一个电影叫《危情13小时》,主角就是这些cia的grs了,当时班加西暴乱,美国领事馆和cia的驻地安全屋都被袭击,多亏这些grs保护最后才没全军覆没。这些人主要负责的就是cia驻地的安全和驻地内勤人员的安保工作,性质其实相当于黑水这种pmc,但是是受雇于cia的。当年有人跟我推荐这个电影的时候,就说是讲的pmc的事儿,看完以后我就跟那人说了,你看着这些人像pmc,但人家是正经受雇于cia的grs,跟黑水那种屌丝可不一样。




最后一种就是正经的cia自己的武装力量了。刚才说的clandestine service下辖一个sad(special activities division),可以理解成特别行动处下的特别行动科...注意了,sad原来可是隶属于jsoc的t1单位,什么概念呢?可以理解成他们战斗力跟美国最精锐的t1特囧部队(devgru, cag, isa, 24sts)是一样的。sad又分成sog(special operations group)和pag(political action group)。pag是搞政治宣传的我们不去管他,sog才是我们要说的那些干湿货脏活的人。

sad下属的特工叫pmo(paramilitiry officer),翻译过来就是准军事特工。pmo应该是这三种形式中最精锐的一部分,因为借调到cia的特囧不一定非得是t1的特囧,grs也不管你是不是t1特囧来了就收,但是pmo不一样了,必须得是有本科学历的t1特囧兵才有资格进sog(油漆兵的rrc和绿帽子的cif应该也有可能让进)。



douglas mackiernan,死在西藏,49年中国解放的时候从乌鲁木齐转移,过边境的时候被当成共产党打死了...这个死的真是冤枉。

hugh redmond,51年伪装成卖冰激凌机的在上海收集情报,被tg抓了,关了19年死在监狱里。据tg说是割腕自杀。

tucker gougelmann,75年美国从越南撤的时候,没赶上最后的飞机,在西贡被越共抓了。被折磨了11个月终于死了...

lawrence freedman,92年黑鹰坠落前夕,在索马里收集当地情报的时候开车压上地雷,死了。

john spann,02年在阿富汗审讯恐怖分子的时候遇到监狱暴动,死了。

nathan chapman,02年在阿富汗调查一个基地组织安全屋的时候被打死。


douglas zembiec,有名的费卢杰狮子,07年在巴格达带伊拉克人打反对派的时候死在枪战中。







最后上一些死了的cia agent的资料,大部分是pmo。从文字描述可以看出他们的任务性质。

  • Douglas Mackiernan - The first CIA employee to be killed in the line of duty and the first star on the wall. Mackiernan had worked for the State Department in China since 1947. When the People's Republic of China was established at the end of the Chinese Civil War in 1949, the State Department ordered that the Tihwa (Ürümqi) consulate where Mackiernan was stationed as vice consul be closed, and personnel were to leave the country immediately. Mackiernan, however, was ordered to stay behind, destroy cryptographic equipment, monitor the situation, and aid anti-communistNationalists. Mackiernan fled south toward India after most escape routes were cut off, along with Frank Bessac, an American Fulbright Scholar who was in Tihwa, and three White Russians. Although Mackiernan and his party survived the Taklamakan Desert and Himalayas, Mackiernan was shot by Tibetan border guards, probably because they mistook them as Communist infiltrators. Although Mackiernan's death was reported on the front cover of the New York Times at the time of his death and his name appears on a plaque in the State Department lobby, the CIA did not reveal his service, because he was operating under diplomatic cover. His star was acknowledged to family members in a secret memorial ceremony at the Wall in 2000 but remained officially undisclosed until 2006, when his name was placed into the CIA's Book of Honor.
  • Jerome P. Ginley - Killed in 1951, during a clandestine mission in East Germany along with Joseph Schussler, a US Army Intelligence Officer.
  • Norman A. Schwartz and Robert C. Snoddy - Both were pilots of a C-47 aircraft on a mission to extract a CIA operative from China. Their plane took off on November 29, 1952, from South Korea for Jilin province, China. They were preparing to pick up the agent with an airborne extraction system when the operative was compromised by Chinese forces on the ground and their plane was shot down. Both Schwarts and Snoddy were killed, while two other CIA crewmembers, Richard G. Fecteau and John T. Downey, were captured by the Chinese and held until 1971 and 1973, respectively. Schwartz's and Snoddy's remains were returned in 2005.
  • James "Pete" McCarthy Jr. - A paramilitary operations officer who died in 1954, on a training flight in Southeast Asia.
  • Four CIA Lockheed U-2pilots who died in plane crashes - Wilburn S. Rose (d. May 15, 1956), Frank G. Grace (d. August 31, 1956), Howard Carey (d. September 17, 1956), and Eugene "Buster" Edens (d. April 1965). Rose, Grace, Carey, and Edens were honored with stars in 1974.
  • William P. Boteler - Boteler was killed in a bombing attack on a restaurant frequented by CIA operatives that was committed by the group EOKA in Cyprus on June 16, 1956.
  • James J. McGrath - A native of Middletown, Connecticut, McGrath died following an accident while working on a high-power German transmitter in January 1957. His star was placed on the wall in 2007.
  • Chiyoki Ikeda - Ikeda died when Northwest Orient Airlines Flight 710 crashed in Indiana on March 17, 1960, while he was on temporary duty assignment in the United States.
  • Stephen Kasarda, Jr. - A native of McKees Rocks, Pennsylvania, Kasarda died on May 1, 1960, while stationed in Southeast Asia. He was working with air supply missions being flown into Tibet.
  • Nels L. Benson - Killed on April 13, 1961, in a training accident while instructing members of Brigade 2506 on the use of C-4 explosives in Retalhuleu, Guatemala.
  • Four CIA pilots were killed on April 19, 1961, while supporting the failed Bay of Pigs invasion on Cuba - Leo F. Baker, Wade C. Gray, Thomas W. Ray and Riley W. Shamburger. One more American was killed during the invasion, paratrooper Herman Koch Gene, but he was not part of the CIA.
  • John J. Merriman - A CIA pilot, he was shot down on July 26, 1964, while attacking a convoy of Simba rebels near Kabalo, Congo with his T-28 counter-insurgency (COIN) aircraft.
  • Barbara Robbins - Killed in a Vietcong car bomb attack on the U.S. embassy in Saigon, South Vietnam on March 30, 1965.
    She was honored with one of the original 31 stars in 1974, but her name was not included in the Book of Honor until May 2011.
  • John W. Waltz - Died on June 6, 1965, in Baghdad, Iraq, while working as an Aide at the U.S. embassy.
    He became ill and died from medical complications following emergency surgery.
  • Edward Johnson and Louis O'Jibway - Both were members of the CIA front company called Air America who were working as intelligence officers. They were killed when their helicopter crashed into the Mekong River in Southeast Asia on August 20, 1965.
  • Michael M. Deuel and Michael A. Maloney - Both were members of the CIA front company called Air America who were working as intelligence officers. They were killed, along with one more Air America pilot and a mechanic, when their helicopter crashed near Saravane, Laos on October 12, 1965.
  • Marcell Rene Gough - A maritime specialist who died in a vehicle accident in November 1965, in today's Democratic Republic of the Congo, while on assignment to maintain equipment for operations designed to defeat communist-backed rebels.
  • 9 officers were killed in action during the Vietnam War in South Vietnam or Laos from 1965 to 1975
    - Unknown (d. 1965), Billy J. Johnson (d. 1968), Wayne J. McNulty (d. 1968), Richard M. Sisk (d. 1968), David L. Konzelman (d. 1971), Raymond L. Seaborg (d. 1972), John Peterson (d. 1972), John W. Kearns (d. 1972), William E. Bennett (d. 1975).
  • Ksawery "Bill" Wyrozemski - An air operations officer who died in a vehicle accident in 1967, in today's Democratic Republic of the Congo.
  • Two CIA A-12 pilots who died in plane crashes - Walter L. Ray (d. January 5, 1967) and Jack W. Weeks (d. June 4, 1968).
  • Charles Mayer - An engineer in the Directorate of Science and Technology, who died in an airplane crash in Iran in 1968. He's duties at the CIA were to monitor the Soviet Union's missile capabilities.
  • Hugh Francis Redmond - Redmond was a member of the Special Activities Division who was posing as an ice cream machine salesman when he was captured in 1951, in Shanghai, China while boarding a ship for San Francisco. He was in captivity for 19 years until he died on April 13, 1970. The Chinese claimed he slit his wrists.
  • Paul C. Davis - Died in Russia in 1971.
  • Wilbur M. Greene - Greene was serving in the Vietnam War when he died during a gall bladder operation in April 1972.
  • Raymond C. Rayner - Rayner was killed by an unknown intruder who broke into his home on the night of November 23, 1974, on Bushrod Island, near Monrovia, Liberia.
  • James A. Rawlings - Killed in a cargo plane crash in South Vietnam in January 1975. He was declared missing and, a year later, the CIA issued a “presumptive determination” of death.
  • Tucker Gougelmann - Gougelmann was a Paramilitary Operations Officer from the CIA's Special Activities Division who worked in the CIA from 1949 to 1972, serving in Europe, Afghanistan, Korea, and Vietnam. Gougelmann returned to Saigon in spring 1975 in an attempt to secure exit visas for loved ones after North Vietnam had launched a major offensive. He missed his final flight out of Saigon, and was captured by the North Vietnamese, who tortured him for 11 months before he died. Gougelmann was honored with a Memorial Star after the criteria for inclusion on the Wall was broadened and after "It was determined that although Gougelmann did not die in the line of duty while employed by CIA, his past affiliation with the Agency led to his death."
  • Richard Welch - Station chief in Greece was assassinated by the radical Marxist organization Revolutionary Organization 17 November in December 1975.
  • Denny Gabriel and Berl King - Former members of the CIA's Air America, they were killed, along with a member of the U.S. Special Forces, when their plane crashed during a training exercise for a top-secret mission on July 13, 1978, in North Carolina.
  • Robert Ames, Phyliss Faraci, Kenneth E. Haas, Deborah M. Hixon, Frank J. Johnston, James Lewis, Monique Lewis and William Richard Sheil - Died in the 1983 Beirut embassy bombing. Haas was the station chief.
  • Richard Spicer, Scott J. Van Lieshout and Curtis R. Wood - Killed in a plane crash while on a covert mission during the Salvadoran Civil War on October 18, 1984.
  • William Francis Buckley - Station chief in Lebanon killed in captivity on June 3, 1985.
  • Richard D. Krobock - Killed in a helicopter crash during the Salvadoran Civil War on March 26, 1987.
  • Matthew Gannon - Gannon was the CIA's deputy station chief in Beirut, Lebanon and was one of at least four American intelligence officers aboard the 1988 Pan Am Flight 103, sitting in Clipper Class seat 14J, when it was blown apart.
  • Robert W. Woods - Killed in a plane crash in August 1989, with Rep. Mickey Leland on a humanitarian mission in Ethiopia.
  • Michael Atkinson, George Bensch, George V. Lacy, Pharies "Bud" Petty, Gerhard H. Rieger and Jimmy Spessard - Killed when their Lockheed L-100 Hercules transport plane crashed on November 27, 1989, in Angola while supporting the rebel group UNITA. Also killed were 11 members of UNITA that were on board.
  • Barry S. Castiglione - Killed during the July 1992 ocean rescue of a colleague in El Salvador.
  • Lawrence N. Freedman - Killed by a landmine in Somalia on December 23, 1992.
  • 1993 shootings at CIA Headquarters - The two fatalities of the attack were Lansing H. Bennett M.D., 66, and Frank Darling, 28, both CIA employees. Bennett, with experience as a physician, was working as an intelligence analyst assessing the health of foreign leaders.
    Darling worked in covert operations.
  • Freddie Woodruff - Assassinated in Tbilsi, Georgia on August 8, 1993, while acting as the station chief involved in training the bodyguards of Georgian leader Eduard Shevardnadze and the élite Omega Special Task Force.
  • Jacqueline K. Van Landingham - Shot and killed in Pakistan on March 8, 1995.
  • James M. Lewek - Killed when a United States Air Force CT-43A crashed near Dubrovnik, Croatiaon April 3, 1996. Thirty-four other people on board were also killed.
  • John G.A. Celli III - Killed in a traffic accident in the Middle East in November 1996.
  • Leslianne Shedd - Killed when Ethiopian Airlines Flight 961 was hijacked on November 23, 1996, by three Ethiopians seeking political asylum in Australia and crashed in the Indian Ocean.
  • Thomas M. Jennings Junior - Died in Bosnia-Herzegovina in December 1997.
  • Tom Shah and Molly C.H. Hardy - Died in the 1998 African embassy bombings.
  • Johnny Micheal "Mike" Spann - He was a Paramilitary Operations Officer from the Special Activities Division killed during a Taliban prison uprising in November 2001 in Mazar-e Sharif (see Battle of Qala-i-Jangi). His star, the 79th, was added in 2002.
    Officer Spann was posthumously awarded the Intelligence Star for valor for his actions.
  • Nathan Chapman - He was the first American soldier to be killed in combat in the war in Afghanistan. At the time of his death, he was detailed to the CIA as a CIA paramilitary team’s communications specialist. He was killed on January 4, 2002, while investigating an Al-Qaeda safe house in Khost.
  • Helge P. Boes - Killed by a grenade during a training accident in Afghanistan on February 7, 2003.
  • Christopher Glenn Mueller and William "Chief" Carlson - Two paramilitary contractors from Special Activities Division killed in an ambush in Afghanistan on October 25, 2003.
    On May 21, 2004, these officers' stars were dedicated at a memorial ceremony.
    "The bravery of these two men cannot be overstated," then-Director of Central Intelligence George J. Tenet told a gathering of several hundred Agency employees and family members of those killed in the line of duty. "Chris and Chief put the lives of others ahead of their own. That is heroism defined." Mueller, a former US Navy SEAL and Carlson, a former Army Ranger, Green Beret and Delta Force soldier, died while tracking high level terrorists near Shkin, Afghanistan, on October 25, 2003. Both officers saved the lives of others, including Afghan soldiers, during the ambush.
  • Gregg Wenzel - An operations officer who was killed in Ethiopia in 2003, also was honored with a star on the CIA's memorial wall. A former defense attorney in Florida, Wenzel grew up in Monroe, New York, and was a member of the first clandestine service training class to graduate after the terrorist attacks of September 11th, 2001. His Agency affiliation was withheld for six years. Overseas, Wenzel gathered intelligence on a wide range of national security priorities. In Director Leon Panetta’s words: “At age 33, a promising young officer—a leader and friend to so many—was taken from us. We find some measure of solace in knowing that Gregg achieved what he set out to do: He lived for a purpose greater than himself. Like his star on this Wall, that lesson remains with us always.”
  • Gregory R. Wright, Jr. - Killed in Iraq on December 7, 2005, while working on a Protective Service Detail. His team was returning from an asset meeting when they were ambushed by unknown attackers.
  • Rachel A. Dean - Dean was a native of Stanardsville, Virginia who joined the CIA as a young support officer in January 2005. She died in a car accident in September 2006, while on temporary duty in Kazakhstan.
  • Maj. Douglas A. Zembiec - Known as the "Lion of Fallujah" for his deployment there with the US Marine Corps. Killed in a gun battle in Baghdad in May 2007 while leading Iraqis on a "snatch-and-grab" operation against insurgents, while serving with the CIA's Special Activities Division. Officially, his star remains anonymous to this day; the CIA has refused to comment on Zembiec's employment with the Agency. However, former U.S. intelligence officials stated in interviews with The Washington Post that Zembiec was indeed serving with the SAD Ground Branch at the time of his death.
  • Jeffrey R. Patneau - Died in a car accident on September 29, 2008, while posing as a State Department employee in Yemen.
  • Harold Brown, Elizabeth Hanson, Darren LaBonte, Jennifer Matthews, Dane Paresi, Scott Roberson, Jeremy Wise - Killed in the Camp Chapman attack in Afghanistan on December 30, 2009.
  • Unknown CIA employee - Shot and killed by a rogue Afghan, who was working for the U.S. government, at the U.S. embassy in Kabul, Afghanistan on September 25, 2011.
  • Glen Doherty and Tyrone Woods - Killed during the attack on the U.S. diplomatic mission in Benghazi, Libya, on the night of September 11–12, 2012. Both were former Navy SEALs and worked as CIA security contractors.
    In addition, the US ambassador to Libya, Chris Stevens, and one other American diplomat, Sean Smith, were also killed in the attack.
  • The identities and circumstances of death of 16 officers are still unknown. Of the 16: one each died in 1978, 1984 and 1989, six in 2008, and seven at an undetermined time.



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  1. DCS的特工人员全是由CIA训练的,因为国防部自己的情报资源并不多;
  2. DCS驻外国的特工人员要策反哪些重要的外国人,需要先向同样驻该国的CIA特工人员汇报,由CIA人员先进行审核。






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