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巴米扬大佛的诨名沙玛玛(Shahmama)和索尔索尔(Solsol)是什么意思? 第1页


user avatar   liang-gong-chun-ri-xiao-shun-nu 网友的相关建议: 
The enormous Buddhas, the male Salsal (“light shines through the universe”) and the (smaller) female Shamama (“Queen Mother”), as they were called by the locals, did not fail to fire the imagination of Islamic writers in centuries past.

In medieval Persian and Turkish sagas, as well as in Bamian itself, the two statues were referred to as Salsal (“the light of the universe”) and Shamana (or Sha(h)mama, “the king's mother”).(1) and considered as among the wonders of the world for centuries

Salsal 就是“宇宙之光”, 伊朗语族a时常发成o;

Shahmama 就是“王之母”或者王太后的意思,或许和波斯语的“Shahmam”(皇后)同源。



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