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方程 cos(x) = x 的唯一实数解是不是超越数? 第1页


user avatar   ding-ling-yun 网友的相关建议: 

谢邀,这个解的名字叫做Dottie Number。这个名字是SAMUEL R. KAPLAN在其文章The Dottie Number(FEBRUARY 2007)取的。


相信大家也有这么干过,这个操作等价于求 ,这个序列的极限就是 的解。这个数的前几位小数可以在这里看到A003957 - OEIS

另外有一点要说明的是,如果用角度制计算的话,那就相当于进行 的迭代,那结果是 0.9998...

The Dottie number was the nickname among my graduate school friends for the unique real root of cos(x) = x. The story goes that Dottie, a professor of French, noticed that whenever she put a number in the calculator and hit the cos button over and over again, the number on the screen always went to the same value, about 0.739085 ... .She asked her math-professor husband why the calculator did this no matter what number she started with. He looked. He tried it. He said he had no idea, at least not that day. The next day he realized not only what was happening, but that his wife had found a beautiful, simple example of a global attractor.


这位同学也发现了相同的事Explaining $cos^infty$。。。

回归正题,这个数是超越数,可以由Lindemann-Weierstrass Theorem证明。下面定理来源Baker, A. Theorem 1.4 in Transcendental Number Theory. Cambridge, England: Cambridge University Press, 1975.

假如Dottie Number是代数数,这里就记成x好了。那么根据欧拉定理 ,我们有 。那么 就可以变形为 。i是 的根,显然是代数数。代数数的乘积是代数数,所以 都是代数数。

那么取代数数 , ,注意到x不可能是0, 所以这3个 是不同的数。同时我们有等式 ,这与Lindemann-Weierstrass Theorem矛盾,定理说明这样的等式不可能为0。所以x不是代数数,证毕。

另外,若设 ,那么 , 就变成了 ,即 , 这个就是Kepler's equation。而Kepler's equation有着丰富的研究结论。这里What is the solution of cos(x)=x?,giorgiomugnaini给出了Dottie Number的一个级数表达。

Explaining $cos^infty$Anixx给出了一个积分表达,

这个结果可以在这里找到On an integral representation of a class of Kapteyn (Fourier–Bessel) series: Kepler’s equation, radiation problems and Meissel’s expansion。

that's all, thank you.





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